
Snowboarding teen catches wild moose chase on Montana mountain

A Whitefish (Mont.) High sophomore snowboarding sensation was just broing and GoProing out with his buddy on Montana's Whitefish Mountain Resort when the two came upon a moose, and the rest is the stuff of snowboarding legend (h/t Deadspin).

From what we can gather on Facebook, accomplished Whitefish sophomore snowboarder Hunter Lamoureux -- also a soccer standout at the school -- was following his friend Charlie Rush as a moose appeared in the middle of the trail. (Couldn't have picked two better names to capture a snowboarding moose chase than Hunter and Rush, right?)

The moose ran down the mountain, and the duo deftly followed -- until the beast turned and charged, resulting in a wipeout that nobody in the lodge would've ever believed had it not been caught on video. Since both Lamoureux and Rush were commenting on Facebook about the video, we're going to assume they both survived to tell the tale.

And you might enjoy this exchange between Lamoureux and a commenter on the video.

Commenter: "If ur not hunting it then leave it the f--- alone!"
Lamoureux: "Yeah because that makes total sense."

The hunter vs. Hunter. As the old saying goes, mess with the moose, get the horns, bro.

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Ben Rohrbach

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