
Could Jerami Grant make sense as a Chicago Bulls trade target?

Could veteran Portland Trail Blazers forward Jerami Grant make sense as a Chicago Bulls trade target? The Trail Blazers are neck deep in a rebuild, and Grant’s talents will be wasted on a team that will likely take far longer to get back towards being a winning team than the Bulls will.

And we don’t expect Portland to be all that thrilled with paying his not-small contract over that period, either. A move to reduce the hit on their cap sheet that also brings back assets for their stage of their roster building that makes sense for both ball clubs would be likely to be well-received.

“There has to be a universe in which the Bulls cobble together a multi-team swap sending (Zach) LaVine to a third team, Grant to Chicago and long-term assets to the post-Damian Lillard Portland Trail Blazers,” writes Bleacher Report’s Zach Buckley.

“That’s not Chicago’s only path to a deal,” suggests the B/R analyst. “Lonzo Ball’s expiring contract plus filler and a couple of draft assets might make Portland think.”

“Grant … isn’t the primary scoring option he’s been on a few bottom-feeders in recent years, but he’s an athletic, defensively versatile forward who can shine in a tertiary offensive role,” and this latter proposal just might make sense for both teams.

Story originally appeared on Lonzo Wire