
Phenomenal Swag: Marquis Daniels' jeweled head piece

Trey Kerby of The Blowtorchsearches high and low across the Internet for NBA-related goods you never knew you needed. You know,phenomenal swag.Email Ball Don't Lie any relevant products you findhere.

Here I am thinking there could be no greater birthday gift than the Chicago Bulls trading for Brad Miller(notes).

I was wrong, Internet. Very wrong.

It turns out the greatest gift I, or anyone, could ever receive involves another former Indiana Pacer, Marquis Daniels(notes). In fact, it is Marquis Daniels. Kind of. It's Marquis Daniels' head on a necklace ... and it's covered in diamonds.

Forged in the fires of Mordor from 1,300 grams (or 2.9 pounds) of 14-karat gold, this head is an exact replica of Daniels or possibly Whoopi Goldberg. Either way, it's both amazing and terrifying.

It's a one of one, so there's no way we'll ever get to lay our hands on it. Even if we could, we really couldn't. Smothered in white and cognac diamonds, this piece of art must have cost a fortune.

Your move, Rick Ross.

Ball Don't Lie's Swag Rating: Five Muggsy Bogues ...


Do you like jokes and bobsleds? Check out Trey at Fourth-Place Medal, Y! Sports' Winter Olympics blog.

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