
Re-imagining the Yahoo logo for Latinx & Hispanic Heritage Month

Designed by Brenda Yedem Alamo
Designed by Brenda Yedem Alamo

In celebration of Latinx & Hispanic Heritage Month, Yahoo commissioned Brenda Yedem Alamo, a community-based professional and artist, to re-imagine the Yahoo logo.

The proud daughter of Mexican immigrants, she uses design to highlight underrepresented communities.

“I don’t have any formal art training and instead my art has organically evolved over time from street art to acrylic and watercolor, and most recently digital,” Yedem Alamo says. “No matter the medium it’s important for me to highlight underrepresented communities in my art, especially the LGBTQ+ and Latinx communities. And knowing the value of having a creative outlet, I implement art into my work with youth at every opportunity.”

Brenda draws inspiration from elements found in folk art from countries such as Bolivia, Mexico, Guatemala, and Puerto Rico. She looks to talented artisans who have been passing down these art forms for generations.

“As an example, the design in the ‘a’ is based on painted ox cart wheels from Costa Rica. I studied images of talavera pottery, basket weaving, textiles, etc. I also wanted to include musical instruments as seen in the ‘h’ as music is so central to many Latin American cultures.”

For Yedem Alamo, Latinx & Hispanic Heritage month is important to celebrate because of the rich diversity across Latinx cultures, as well as to highlight the contributions they make to this country. She hopes this logo makes the Latinx community feel proud of their culture.

“I hope the Latinx community feels proud when they see this, proud of their culture. And I hope it sparks curiosity for all who see it so that people feel inspired to learn more about the rich cultures our communities have to offer. “

You can find more of the artist’s work at