
Phoenix Mercury star Diana Taurasi talks Celtics’ youth, gaining experience in 2022 title run

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The Boston Celtics very nearly won the 2022 NBA title, coming within two wins of the championship a more veteran team in the Golden State Warriors ended up winning by leaning on their experience. That is not to say that the Dubs were the more athletic team, nor the most skilled overall. But without any doubt whatsoever, they were also the less experienced squad when it comes to navigating such lofty heights on the league’s biggest of stages.

Now, having been there, they will be a much more formidable opponent when they likely return to the Finals. In a recent conversation with Diana Taurasi, one of the greatest to play the game in the WNBA, our Cameron Tabatabaie broached the subject of the Celtics’ youth in their battle with the Dubs, and Taurasi had plenty to say about it.

“When you’re 24, you have no clue what’s going on,” explained the UConn product, “and that’s why those experiences are so important when you’re able to get those that early.”

“When you talk about (Jaylen) Brown and (Jayson) Tatum, in their short careers, they’ve done a lot already, they’ve gained all this knowledge and experience that’s going to help them down the down the line,” she added.

“You just see the game differently the older you get. Different scenarios and situations don’t seem as daunting once you’ve been in them a couple of times, and you can really focus on the things that are important to get the job done.”

“Being a Laker fan, I wasn’t too mad,” joked Taurasi. “But the Celtics, they got a great thing going, and the Celtics are going to be there for a while.”

While Tabatabaie was mostly focused on Taurasi gracing the cover of NBA 2k23 in the interview these quotes were pulled from, the WNBA star’s words are no facsimile of a truth about the game.

With experience comes familiarity, and to not have to process the sometimes-bewildering intensity that comes under the pressure of the NBA Finals can be the difference between a parade and regret.

And after that last stinging loss, the still-young but now more seasoned Celtics should have the fuel to hang a banner, so long as their luck holds out.

This post originally appeared on Celtics Wire.

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