
Patrick Queen details fight with Joe Burrow at LSU ahead of matchup vs. Bengals

Ahead of the pivotal Week 11 AFC North showdown between the 7-3 Baltimore Ravens and the 5-4 Cincinnati Bengals on Thursday Night Football, Ravens inside linebacker Patrick Queen opened up about his fight with Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow during their time together at LSU.

While on the Punch Line Podcast with fellow NFL teammate cornerback Marlon Humphrey, Queen went into detail about how the fight happened between the two Tiger stars.


Queen was asked who won the fight.

Coach O went on ESPN and lied and said that Joe won,” Queen said. “It was at a point where we knew we were about to be so cold and they was lighting us up play after play and then we started getting stops. It got heated. Hot summer day in Louisiana, we all know that. And we just started blitzing to get Joe off the spot and a couple of us hit him. I hit him one more time. One thing led to another, and next thing you know we were on the sideline, I got him in a headlock, he’s punching my ribs.

Queen then said that if he does get a chance to touch Burrow on Thursday he is “definitely going to tell him a couple of things.”

Queen and Burrow won the National Championship together following an undefeated season in 2019 at LSU. Both players were drafted in the first round of the 2020 NFL Draft by Cincinnati and Baltimore with the No. 1 and No. 28 pick, respectively.


Story originally appeared on Ravens Wire