
NBS Football Forecast discussion: evaluating the significance of Caleb Williams’ Heisman Trophy

Caleb Williams became the eighth Heisman Trophy winner in USC history, finishing ahead of runner-up Max Duggan of TCU. USC has the most recent Heisman-winning quarterback. TCU owns the first Heisman quarterback, Davey O’Brien in 1938. The Riley brothers, Lincoln and Garrett, coached the top two Heisman vote-getters. Lincoln Riley has now coached three Heisman Trophy winners before turning 40 years old. USC now has two coaches who have guided three Heisman winners: Pete Carroll and Lincoln Riley. USC has four coaches who have guided multiple Heisman winners, more than any other school.

There’s a lot to take in after Caleb Williams’ Heisman award.

I talked to Brock Veiera and Bill Carroll of the NBS College Football Forecast to examine USC Heisman Trophy winner Caleb Williams and evaluate the weekend’s big story in college football:


Heisman Trophy Trivia: test yourself on the history of this award and USC's place within it

Story originally appeared on Trojans Wire