
Buffs wrestlers shine at Black and Gold Dual

Nov. 9—The McAlester Activities Center buzzed with excitement as the raucous crowd descended waves of high-volume support upon the mats.

McAlester wrestling gave fans plenty to cheer about in its annual Black and Gold Dual Tuesday, an intrasquad showcase to give a taste of the action in the upcoming season.

Coach Kydel Billy said he was excited to see fans filling up both sides of the MAC, and was proud of the way his wrestlers competed on the night.

"It was a good, fun night," he said. "I'm glad we got our fifth- and sixth-grade wrestlers out here — that program has just started this year, and coach (Kole) Rollins is doing an amazing job with them."

The elementary program is a new addition to McAlester wrestling, and Billy said it was exciting to not only get it off the ground, but see the large number of boy and girl wrestlers and already overflowing wave of support from parents.

And he said kids from other sports are giving wrestling a try, helping to strengthen their all-around game abilities.

"It just starts by getting kids in on the mat and get them wrestling," Billy said. "Being a wrestler's just going to make you better, and it's good to get them in when they're younger."

Moving into the junior high portion of the evening, Billy noted the large number of girls wanting to give wrestling a try.

"I'm really happy with the junior high numbers, especially girls coming out," he said. "We have a new girl every other day that comes in and just wants to try it. And that's all we ask, you just come in and try it.

"The junior high numbers are growing for the girls side, and we're just happy with that," he added. " (And) we're getting some scrappy kids in seventh- and eighth-grade (boys) that are really showing up and putting in good work."

Billy credited the work coach Miguel Spencer puts in with the junior high, and gave props to the entire staff as a whole for the work they put into the program.

"You know, it's a group effort. None of us really coaches a specific group, we all help each other out. The fifth-grade wrestler is going to get coached the same as a high school wrestler...and it's just to create a consistency at all levels."

Moving into the high school exhibition matches, Billy noted he returns last year's young talent as well as some fresh faces into the program.

"Our high school is young, but they're growing, and they're tough kids this year," Billy said. "Just overall, we've got a good-looking group.

"Girls, we've just got to find our kill switch," he continued. "Just keep pushing, keep working forward."

Billy is excited for the high school schedule to get underway later this month, and for fans to be able to come out, be loud, and cheer on the Buffs all season long in the MAC.

"It's a bigger arena, and it gets loud in here. You can hear it (on the mat)," he said. "It brought energy. I hope it brings energy for the kids this year."