
Video: The oddest Jaromir Jagr tribute ever recorded

Sure, we might be nine days removed from Halloween, but certainly there's still some Milk Duds and Charleston Chews lying around your pantry ... or maybe loose SweeTarts in your couch cushions to keep the holiday going.

With that, we present this masked Jaromir Jagr(notes) fan acting like a "Smooth Criminal" in his kitchen, in what is without question the craziest [expletive] we've ever seen associated with the former Pittsburgh Penguins and New York Rangers star. OK, maybe Santa Jagr still wins.

Impressive, Mini Jagr. Impressive indeed. We hope his love of Jagr and Michael Jackson tunes gets him an invite to next year's on-ice performance of "Thriller" by The Schweinekoteletts. Or at least a fraction of the fame seen by mini-Herb Brooks. That kid didn't even have a cool wolf mask.