
Social Media reactions as Dabo Swinney to Texas A&M rumors surface

Let me start with this so everyone’s clear where I stand here: I do not think Dabo Swinney is considering the Texas A&M job, and even if he were, it would not be happening right now. 

Recently, ESPN analyst Paul Finebaum suggested Swinney could leave Clemson to take over the Aggies, which definitely stirred the pot. According to Finebaum, it is a fit that makes sense for various reasons.

“Does he fit? Absolutely. Dabo Swinney aligns very well, from a cultural standpoint, with Texas A&M. Would he leave Clemson? I think he would. They’re kind of sick of him, and I think he’s sick of them. And before some ‘Clemsonite’ comes out of his basement and starts telling me how wrong I am, after a while, that happens. Happens to every coach, usually. And there are few exceptions. Nick Saban, pretty good exception after 17 years. But I think Dabo would be reenergized. I think he would be able to recruit well out there. He’s a good recruiter. His program has slipped at Clemson. It’s not embarrassing, but four losses is not the Clemson standard.”

It only takes one person to start a narrative, and this one is now building. Here is a look at how social media has reacted to the Dabo Swinney and Texas A&M rumors that have been swirling. 

Story originally appeared on Clemson Wire