
Quotes: Michigan State football acting head coach Harlon Barnett speaks to the media for the first time

Harlon Barnett is excited and prepared to lead Michigan State as the 2023 season continues. Barnett has spent a great deal of time in East Lansing, playing for the university from 1985 to 1990 and coaching from 2007 to 2018 and 2020 to the present.

Barnett is tasked with the biggest job within the football program, taking over for head coach Mel Tucker in the aftermath of a USA TODAY investigative report into sexual harassment allegations involving Mel Tucker.

There’s no secret Barnett’s first test as acting head coach will be a tough one. The Spartans play host to No. 8 Washington inside of Spartan Stadium on Saturday.

You can watch the full press conference here.

Barnett spoke to the media for the first time on Tuesday afternoon, speaking on the team, the game and himself:

Opening statement

Barnett opened the press conference sharing that he met with the team on Sunday and they are focused and fired up.


On being the head coach

Barnett echoed that his dream is to be the head coach at Michigan State, not necessarily in the way it happened, but he is excited for the opportunity.

On meeting with MSU's players

Barnett has expressed that he wants to meet with every player on the roster individually this week.

On talking to Alan Haller

Barnett shared he did not know he was the guy if something were to happen but in his longtime relationship with Haller he has mentioned he wants to be a head coach.

On the Spartans as a whole

A sentiment that has been echoed by the fan base all week, Spartans are resilient and tough.

On talking to Mel Tucker

While Barnett noted he has not spoken to Tucker, he has received a text message from him supporting the team.

On coach Dantonio being around

Barnett talking about Dantonio put a smile on his face, and he echoed that he loves having him around.

On leading the team out of the tunnel

It will be an emotional experience for Barnett to lead the team out of the tunnel on Saturday, as it will for the fans and players.

On current 2024 commits

Barnett said current commits have been contacted, and they are all in and in good spirits.

On injuries

Barnett made the whole room laugh with his Bill Belichick-esq answer to the roster’s current injuries.

On recruiting the players on the roster

Recruiting the players on the roster to avoid a portal exodus is of the upmost importance to Barnett, and he knows it.

On facing Michael Penix

Penix will be a major first test for Barnett, but he has confident in the staff.

On midseason transfers/redshirt

Barnett has echoed the team is all in and focused on the mission, with no one expressing a desire to sit out to preserve a redshirt to eventually transfer.

Story originally appeared on Spartans Wire