
Notre Dame athletic director blasts latest run of conference realignment

Notre Dame athletic director Jack Swarbrick doesn’t have all that long left on the job but joined the Dan Patrick Show from Ireland on Wednesday.  He was asked by Patrick about the latest part of realignment in college football and certainly didn’t mince words.

“[It’s a] complete disaster. I wish I knew (how it got to this point”

“Everybody in the industry has to take responsibility here. I’m not excluding myself from that. I think the decision making has lost its way in terms of the focus on the student-athlete and what’s primarily best for them. But we are where we are, we have to try and make it work.”

-Jack Swarbrick to Dan Patrick Show

Swarbrick also took a further stand on Notre Dame’s football independence, saying that the only things that would change that are the lack of a media partner and no fair shot to the College Football Playoff.

Swarbrick added that Notre Dame is indeed lobbying hard for Stanford and Cal to join the ACC and that realignment decisions of late have been “based on money”.

See some social media reaction to the comments and latest in college athletics realignment below.

Video of Swarbrick Blasting Realignment

Independence Comments

Don't Blame Him for Working A Deal!

More crying for Notre Dame to join a conference from ESPN

Yes - the ACC and Mountain West are clearly the same

Another one wants Notre Dame in a conference

Yeah, those aren't Power Five conferences for a reason

Where was he in 2021?

Story originally appeared on Fighting Irish Wire