
Justin Jefferson remains patient for a new deal, but will his patience with the Vikings run out?

Vikings receiver Justin Jefferson made the rounds on Wednesday, and we had a chance to make our annual pre-Super Bowl visit with one of the best receivers — if not the very best receiver — in football.

Now four years into his career, Jefferson has yet to get the second contract he so clearly deserves. The Vikings, however, have been dragging their feet. At some point, the Vikings may regret that approach.

"I'm not sure what you've got to do, I'm not sure how much you've got to put up [to get the contract]," Jefferson said, "but, I mean, I will always continue to be myself. I will always continue to play the game the way I know how to play it and I will always give my all out there on that field. I know the money is going to come. I know the contract is going to come. I'm just gonna be waiting patiently."

Is there a point where his patience will run out?

"You know, it kind of gets frustrating at some point in time of course, just what all I have done for the organization," Jefferson said. "I'm still early in my contract, my rookie contract, but no one has done what I've done before. I'm just excited to just be a part of their organization and hopefully they feel that I'm valuable enough to give me, it doesn't matter the amount of zeros, but I just want to play football and want to be a part of the organization that, you know, values me and wants me there."

Jefferson realizes it's not just the money, but the respect the money represents.

"That's what you're gonna have to keep in mind," Jefferson said. "Of course, just like I always say to everyone that asks me this question when you're going out shopping for a car, you try to pay at least as possible even though you know that it's an expensive car. But you're gonna try to get it all. So I know that it's a business. I know that, you know, they have money in their pockets that they're trying to keep. But I know the value that I have. I know what I bring to the table for this team, and I know the value that I have every time I step foot on that field. So, I have faith in my circle, the people that I have talking for me and in the conversation with the contract. But, you know, I'm just gonna let it play its course and still continue doing what I'm doing."

Jefferson is being pragmatic, which is good. But the Vikings should be pragmatic, too. This isn't a guy you're looking to sign in free agency to fill a need for a year or two. This is a face-of-the-franchise, foundational player. Exceptions must be made, specifically as to the team's "rule" that full guarantees will apply only to the year in which the contract is signed.

They've made that exception for quarterback Kirk Cousins. If they want to keep Jefferson — and if they want to keep him happy — they MUST make it for him, too.

It won't set a bad precedent or put the team on a slippery slope. If other agents try to get the same structure, the response is simple: When your guy plays like Justin Jefferson, we will.

Pay close attention to this one, Vikings fans. Your team is inching closer and closer to screwing the pooch. If they do, hold them accountable.

Jefferson is ready and willing to sign the contract he deserves. The only question is whether ownership is willing to do the right thing.

Unless, of course, they're planning to trade him in order to get in position to draft a franchise quarterback. While a plausible strategy on the surface, good luck getting the people who buy tickets and jerseys and overpriced foodstuffs to accept saying farewell, again, to a great receiver.

Everyone knows Jefferson's value. It's time for the Vikings to acknowledge it, and to do something about it. Especially since it's only going to get more expensive, the longer the team waits.

As it always does.