
How to get everyone’s attention by PK

Trading picks and charts, Titans
Trading picks and charts, Titans

How to get everyone’s attention by PK

I’ve never been shy about my fondness for Paul Kuharsky’s writing. Yesterday was interesting though.

He starts off the day with a long tweet that reads, “Titans second-year running back Derrick Henry is not with the Titans on the first day of voluntary offseason program workouts. Mike Mularkey said the Titans have seen film, been in contact, not concerned. Emphasizes it’s a voluntary deal.”

See Titans not concerned? or Mularkey not concerned? “Take” that however you want, the point is that there is no concern.


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Later in the day…

PK tweets, “Derrick Henry’s absence on first day of offseason work creates bad optics #Titans

At this point, I am thinking, “oh cmon now PK. Making stories happen? It was a nothing day. A workout.”

The article linked is negative, then a picture breaks up a quote be DeMarco Murray. It’s negative above the pic, but beneath it, it is not. “I’m sure he’ll show up at some point. But that’s something I’m not too worried about.”

Later on is a Jurrell Casey quote from earlier. The talented defensive lineman was missing his buddy Jason McCourty. He was sad with the bitter taste of “it’s a business” and “we all get old” probably on his mind.

PK wrote: ““I wouldn’t say necessarily disappointing,” Pro Bowl defensive lineman Jurrell Casey said to a question about no-shows that didn’t specifically mention Henry. “It definitely puts that little check mark in the back of my mind that lets me know who I can count on and who I can’t count on.”

It clearly states “didn’t specifically mention Henry.”

From there, the PK magic happens. The sports world reacts to think Henry is disgruntled, unappreciated, lazy…and all sorts of negative adjectives. Then trades are suggested in a “get rid of the lazy player” type of manner.

I’m here wondering if no one has Instagram anymore and somewhat marveling at Kuharsky. Henry works out, is a “beast”, and posts videos on Instagram. The guy is anything but lazy or out of shape.

After the presser, PK cast his line with just some bread on it and didn’t catch much fish. He had some time, changed the bait, and whew all the fish were biting.

Same story, same quotes shared on twitter, different perspective….amazing results. It’s very clever.


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