
Romantic or insane: Marty Brodeur gets married again

You know what might discourage us from marriage? When the embarrassing details of your painful divorce play out in public during the Stanley Cup playoffs, becoming comedic fodder for guys like Sean Avery and for fans that hold up signs like: "Tickets to a Stanley Cup playoff game: $95. Alimony demanded from your wife: $9 million. Sex with your sister-in-law: Priceless."

Then again, Martin Brodeur did say in his book that some of the signs he saw during the 2003 Stanley Cup playoffs were "pretty creative," and he took it all in stride -- even though Melanie, the mother of his four children, served him with divorce papers during the tournament.

Despite the nastiness, he's apparently not put off by the whole matrimony thing. According to his French-language column for Le Journal de Montreal, Brodeur was scheduled to get married in late June to Genevieve Nault (pictured far right ... just jokes, people), the former wife of Melanie's half-brother whose relationship with Brodeur launched a thousand "sex with your sister-in-law" jokes. One of the puck bunnies over on Talk Sports claims that Brodeur was married at the Bavaro Princess Resort in the Dominican Republic just over a week ago. (Marty, like Puck Daddy, must love him some Dominican smokes.)

After the hell that guy went through, Marty Brodeur remarrying might be the craziest bit of Devils news this summer outside of Lou Lamoriello's alleged pursuit of Marian Hossa. (Big-name free agents leave Jersey, they don't go there, remember?)

Of course, the uncomfortable truth for New Jersey Devils fans is that Brodeur's last Stanley Cup came during a bitter divorce. They'd never selfishly wish ill on this joyous occasion, would they?