
ASK IRA: Is Heat’s young core four the new personnel starting point?

Q: For all the Heat’s fascination with “elite” players, when will they realize they currently have their big three (and possibly a big four with Nikola Jovic) on the roster in Bam Adebayo, Tyler Herro and Jaime Jaquez Jr. to build around that? – Tim.

A: And who is to say that they haven’t? Again, rumors are rumors and speculation is speculation, but since camp nothing but crickets from the Heat on the personal front. Unless a team is either considerably underachieving or has moved into unexpected contention, this tends to be a time of taking stock, the Knicks deal for OG Anunoby the exception to this point (a deal also a result of Raptors desperation). Unless the Heat perceive an immediate move to get them into the echelon of the Celtics or the Bucks (this the offseason interest in Damian Lillard deal), then there is nothing wrong with taking stock. And it ultimately could be that the Heat find a greater need for complementary players (if they find a need, at all) than an “elite” talent. For now, the evaluation period remains ongoing with Bam Adebayo, Tyler Herro and Jaime Jaquez Jr. (not leaving Jimmy Butler out here, just looking more at the long-term core).

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Q: So Ira, are you finally coming around to the conclusion that Joe Cronin not dealing with the Miami Heat in a trade for Damian Lillard that would have netted the Blazers, Tyler Herro, Jaime Jaquez Jr., Nikola Jovic and multiple first-round picks was the best thing that could have happened for the Miami Heat in that trade scenario? – Carlos, West Park.

A: I am not, and for this reason: Because the Trail Blazers declined to take the Heat’s calls amid the trade process with Damian Lillard, it is doubtful that it ever reached discussion of such a detailed package. That said, what you suggest as a potential deal seems, at least at this moment, way too excessive. That said, put Lillard with Bam Adebayo and Jimmy Butler and the results just might have been as impressive as what the Bucks currently are realizing.

Q: Credit to Jimmy Butler. He worked with Nikola Jovic a lot during the early part of the road trip. You can see the difference in Jovic’s confidence. – Jon.

A: But also, certainly more so, the coaching staff for the relentless work behind the scenes with Nikola Jovic. It is one thing to show Instagram highlights of private workouts with a teammate. It is another for the coaching staff to be available at all hours for developmental work. What you are seeing with Nikola is as much a result of the Heat’s developmental staff as any sessions with a private trainer.