
Favre deal could be coming

There could be an end in sight to the Brett Favre saga.

Favre and the Green Bay Packers have reached some level of agreement on his future after Favre and team management held a call in recent days, according to an NFL source with extensive knowledge of the situation.

The basic agreement entails the Packers coming up with a list of teams willing to trade for the future Hall of Famer, then presenting him with the list to find out where Favre would prefer to play.

"They didn't talk when he was up there last week," the source said, referring to Favre's appearance at the Packers' Hall of Fame ceremony, where Favre introduced former center Frank Winters. "But they talked after that and worked out how they want to handle it.

"Brett definitely wants to play, but it may take awhile. The Packers are hoping that some team has a big injury and then is forced to make a deal."

As a result, a Favre deal might not happen right away. It's unclear what the Packers want in return for Favre, but they are hoping for leverage.

"You look around and if somebody is injured, like maybe Donovan McNabb in Philadelphia or (Jake) Delhomme in Carolina, the Packers are hoping that makes a team like that say, 'Hey, there's a guy out there who can help us right now,' " the source said.

Thus, talk of Favre going to Tampa Bay soon could be put hold for now. The source also said that the fear held by some teams that Favre won't be able to learn their offense quickly enough shouldn't be a concern.

"Brett is a sandlot guy. When (Mike) Holmgren was there, half the time he didn't even run the play that Holmgren (called). He just threw it where he felt like," the source said. "Go back to the Super Bowl (victory over New England in 1997). That first touchdown pass to (Andre) Rison. That wasn't the play that was called.

"With Brett, what you're going to do with him is find his 10 favorite plays and run those most of the time. Forget him learning your whole playbook. That's not going to work for him."

Green Bay general manager Ted Thompson, who received a combination of boos and cheers from the Packers' shareholders during a meeting with thousands of them Thursday, was not available for comment Thursday night. An email to Favre's agent, Bus Cook, was not immediately returned.