
Patrick Kane on Sochi security concerns from player perspective

The Olympics: a time when athletes can represent their respective countries, compete on the world stage and put so many years’ worth of training into obtaining gold.

The Olympics also have their safety concerns; and with unrest and violence erupting near Sochi, Russia, where the Winter Games will be held next month, the topic has overshadowed just about everything else.

For the Olympic-bound Chicago Blackhawks, including Team USA’s Patrick Kane, you think about security but not to the point of distracting you from the games.

U.S. officials are cautioning their athletes not to wear their Team USA colors too prominently in Sochi, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday. Kane, who talked about the Olympics in Detroit, the day before this report came out, said he was focused on hockey.

“To be honest with you, if I’m worried about that, my head’s in the wrong area,” Kane said. "I’m worried about going over, playing the game and doing well for my country. You hear different stuff, obviously you're going to be scared at first. Think a little bit about it, but obviously hope everything gets figured out."

The spotlight on Sochi has been glaring and negative recently, as violence has broken out near the resort town.