
Why is NBA scoring down for all teams in the league but the Boston Celtics?

Scoring in the NBA’s 2023-24 season was at unprecedented levels until the league gave referees instructions on how to call the game to take the edge off the historic offensive outputs being generated this year. Now, the Boston Celtics are the sole team in the league who have not seen their offense drop off since the NBA made changes to such an effect. What gives?

Bobby Manning, the host of the CLNS Media “Dome Theory” podcast, linked up with guests Lindo Zay and Anthony Vasquez. They discuss the Patriots and NFL offseason in a Group Chat edition of Dome Theory before discussing why and whether NBA scoring should go down for other teams.

And why it has not yet for Boston. Check it out below!

f you enjoy this pod, check out the “How Bout Them Celtics,” “First to the Floor,” and the many other New England sports podcasts available on the CLNS Media network.

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Story originally appeared on Celtics Wire