
Watch: Notre Dame cheerleading video from 1991

So much goes into the fan experience whenever a game takes place at Notre Dame Stadium or Purcell Pavilion. You obviously have the game itself, but you also have the band and, of course, the cheerleaders. Whether they’re dancing with pom-poms, shouting cheers out through horns or simply doing Irish jigs, the cheerleaders have been an integral part of Notre Dame athletics for a long time.

It goes without saying that the select few who have been Notre Dame cheerleaders are just as tight-knit as the athletes. In fact, the cheerleaders have hosted reunions before. We know this because this video from 1991 exists:

The most interesting part about this by far is the use of “One Shining Moment” as the music. Sure, there are far worse songs that could have been used for this, but it would be very nice to know what the thought process was behind this decision. If you had a hand in making this video and are reading this post, please reach out.

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Story originally appeared on Fighting Irish Wire