
Watch the insane ending of TSM vs. G2 at MSI 2017

Thirty five minutes into the Day 3 match between North America’s Team SoloMid and Europe’s G2 at the 2017 Mid-Season Invitational, the game looked over. TSM had an 9k gold lead, a Baron buff under their belts, and were poised to pressure G2 out and close the game. It should have been easy.

Almost 15 minutes later, the League of Legends world’s jaws were on the floor. G2 had managed to defend their base, push TSM back, take a Baron of their own, and kill two Nexus turrets. A pair of backdoor attempts later, G2 failed to close out the game themselves, and TSM won their second game of MSI.

The finale was one of the wildest things I’ve seen in professional League of Legends in a long time. My job is literally to find words in my brain and put them on this website, and yet, I can’t find them right now. So just watch it.

TSM just barely managed to beat G2 at MSI 2017 (Lolesports/Riot Games)
TSM just barely managed to beat G2 at MSI 2017 (Lolesports/Riot Games)

Follow Taylor Cocke on Twitter @taylorcocke for more incoherent rambling about MSI 2017.