
Ukrainian gymnast carries Olympic torch through Marseille - video

Maria Vysochanska
Maria Vysochanska

Ukrainian athlete Maria Vysochanska carried the Olympic torch on the first day of the relay in the French city of Marseille, marking the beginning of an 11-week journey across France ahead of the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games opening ceremony.

Vysochanska carried the torch through the city streets, accompanied by 27 other athletes representing each of the European Union countries.

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"Words can hardly convey all the emotions because they are extremely overwhelming.”

“It's pride and incredible joy that Ukraine has become the 28th participating country.”

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“It's a great honor for me to carry the Olympic torch. It's very touching, and I am very happy," Maria confessed.

Maria's father, Oleg Vysochansky, participated in the 242-day battles for Donetsk airport in 2015.

Following the Russian full-scale invasion, he joined the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and is currently defending Ukraine.

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