
Three more Notre Dame players make award watch lists

College football continues to creep closer, and preseason award watch lists to continue to come out. On Thursday alone, three more Notre Dame players were named to them. Actually, it was two new players and one player making a second list. When it rains, it pours.

Look, we have no delusions that the Irish are going to sweep every award with one of their players on one of these lists. Not only is that a virtual impossibility, but outsiders would become extremely suspicious that the whole system is rigged for one school. Heck, the College Football Playoff is rigged for only two or three conferences, so it’s not like there should be another reason to get on fans’ bad side.

Still, it’s nice to see which players there are to watch for the Irish this season. They may not all pan out, but the expectations will be there.

Anyway, here are the latest Irish players on watch lists:

Blake Grupe - Groza Award

This award is given to the best kicker in the country. No Irish kicker has won it.

Jack Kiser - Wuerffel Trophy

This award is given to the player who best combines community service with their academic and athletic excellence. [autotag]Drue Tranquill[/autotag] won this award in 2018.

Chris Tyree - Hornung Award

This award, first given in 2010 and named for the Irish legend, is given to college football’s most versatile player. No Irish player has won this award yet.

Story originally appeared on Fighting Irish Wire