
Third chapter of Father of Mine is up, since it’s slow this morning

Father of Mine, which will be released in just 16 days, has something like 103 total chapters. The first three have now been posted, so that you can make a somewhat informed decision as to whether you want to drop $4.99 for the ebook.

Here they are: Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three.

The folks at Kirkus Reviews liked the book, using words like “refreshing” and “thrilling” and “devilish indulgence” and “creatively inspired” and “often engrossing” — without words like “is not” before them. If you think you’ll like it, pre-order it here.

And if you end up liking it, there will be more. On Our Way Home (which many of your read and liked) will be back during the 2023 holiday season. And I’ve got several others I’ve been tinkering with over the past few years.

I’ll keep on tinkering. It’s my own personal infinite monkey theorem. If I write enough of these, chances are that one of them will actually be something people will enjoy reading.

There’s a decent chance that Father of Mine accomplishes this mission. You can find out for only $4.99 now, and full delivery of the ebook in only 16 days.

Third chapter of Father of Mine is up, since it’s slow this morning originally appeared on Pro Football Talk