
Something to cheer about: Eau Claire North grad to cheer at Pro Bowl

Jan. 20—Jeannine and Mick Carruth wore outfits that understandably sported mixed messages when they attended a midseason football game on Oct. 28 between the Green Bay Packers and host Arizona Cardinals.

The Lake Hallie couple's green-and-gold scarves showed their allegiance to the visiting team, but they also wore Cardinals shirts inscribed with "Pom Mom" and "Pom Dad." Their 24-year-old daughter, Danielle Carruth, is a captain for the Arizona Cardinals cheerleading team.

"It was a wonderful experience watching our daughter perform," said Jeannine, co-owner of River Jams, a local restaurant that opened last year.

Danielle will perform in front of a national audience on Feb. 6 during the NFL Pro Bowl in Las Vegas. She was selected by her teammates to be the squad's lone Pro Bowl representative. It's a crowning achievement for the 2015 Eau Claire North graduate, who's in her fourth year for the team. The cap for members is four years.

"I've never been with a group of women that's been so inspiring and well rounded and motivated and successful ... I could go on and on," Carruth said in a 2019 video on the squad's website. "I just feel so supported, not only as a dancer and a cheerleader but as an individual on this team. And it's something that I'll cherish for the rest of my life."

Sowing the seeds

Danielle credits her four years of high school at North for instilling her passion for dance.

"I started dancing when I made the JV squad at North before my freshman year," she said. "Sara Kulig was my first dance coach and saw something I didn't see in myself.

"She taught me the fundamentals of dance and, more importantly, teamwork. My teammates were incredibly kind and encouraging, (and) pushed me to improve, believed in me and empowered me to believe in myself."

Kulig, who remains the head dance coach at North and is director/owner of Danz Kraze in Eau Claire, said it didn't take long for Carruth to make an impression.

"I will always remember her during her freshman year as an outgoing, positive and hard-working student athlete that was not afraid to ask questions to help her learn about dance," she said. "These qualities quickly made her stand out from her peers.

"Her work ethic and humility made her a natural leader of the Eau Claire North dance program. She understood how to lead with intention, kindness and love."

Carruth attended Arizona State University in Tempe after graduating from North. She danced at ASU for three years before trying out for the Cardinals in the spring before her senior year, not only making the team but earning rookie-of-year honors. She used sewing skills passed down by her grandmother to craft her audition outfit.

Along the way, Carruth earned bachelor's degrees in psychology and marketing. This past summer, she completed her Master of Science in digital audience strategy.

Balancing her dance and educational responsibilities has been demanding. The time commitment for the Cardinals includes 10 home games, two practices a week and community appearances based on availability.

"One of the most important requirements for the AZCC (Arizona Cardinals Cheerleaders) is that you have a full-time job or are a full-time student, or a mix of both," Carruth said. "It's important to the organization that we still pursue and excel in our career outside of cheer."

Aside from the NFL games, Carruth has performed with such luminaries as Bret Michaels, Salt-N-Pepa, Tag Team and Naughty by Nature. An experience with an iconic band that broke out in the late 1980s, however, stands out.

"The most memorable performance for me was at the New Kids on the Block concert during my second season," she said. "We were able to dance in our Cardinals uniform for three songs.

"It was incredible to meet the artists and perform on a stage at a concert rather than a football field."

A new chapter

Carruth's immediate plans do not include leaving the state of Arizona. She currently resides in Phoenix.

"What I love about living in Arizona is that I can go downhill skiing but also go boating in the same weekend," she said in the video. "Just with a little drive north or south of here."

That sentiment continues today.

"As of right now I plan to take this next chapter of my life to focus on my personal and career goals," Carruth said. "I plan to launch my own success-coaching business, spend more time exploring the beautiful and diverse state of Arizona, and elevate my conversations as a crisis counselor for Crisis Text Line."

She also has some sage words for others considering a course that may stray from the beaten path.

"The biggest advice I have is to believe," she said. "It can be easy to have doubts on what we can achieve — but as soon as you believe you can, the hard work is already done.

"Tackle your insecurities head on, put yourself in situations that challenge you, and always ask for feedback. Your growth is truly limitless once you believe in your own potential."

Added Kulig: "Danielle sets an excellent example for youth considering trying something new. It is all about stepping outside of your comfort zone and putting in the hard work, persevering any obstacles and being appreciative for the opportunities and people you meet along the way."

As for the role of dance in her future, Carruth said, "whether you're on a team, teaching, hosting classes, supporting the dance community at performances or staying connected with your teammates, it always sticks with you."

Some things, however, do change. Raised a Green Bay Packers fan, Carruth admits to now having split loyalties.

"It's fun to stay informed on both teams," she said, "but the Cardinals will always have a piece of my heart."