
Soccer-UEFA presidential election could be before Euro 2016 - officials

NYON, Switzerland, March 4 (Reuters) - UEFA could hold its presidential election to replace Michel Platini before Euro 2016 if the Frenchman's appeal against his six-year ban is decided by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in time, officials said on Friday. Platini was banned by FIFA's ethics committee in December and this week took his case to CAS, sport's highest tribunal. UEFA has said it will not hold a presidential election until the appeal process has been exhausted. "Whenever there is a (CAS) decision, we can hold immediately a meeting of the executive committee meeting and go through an accelerated process for an election," acting general secretary Theodore Theodoridis told reporters. UEFA's legal director Alasdair Bell said it was no longer necessary for candidates to register three months before the election. "After we have the (CAS) decision, we can shorten the time for the election from three months to nil, so it's possible," he said. The European Championship will be held in France from June 10 to July 10. (Reporting by Brian Homewood, editing by Ed Osmond)