
SENIOR SPOTLIGHT: McAlester's Trenton Greer kicking to electrifying success

Nov. 17—Trenton Greer's feet set him into motion for his high school career.

The McAlester senior said he was talked into giving football a try by friends in middle school, and soon enough found himself on the gridiron.

"They were like, you're big enough! Come join football," he said.

Initially, Greer began his career on the line. But because of his early background in soccer, he moved to be the team's kicker — and the rest is literally history. Greer put his name into the McAlester record books with a successful 49-yard field goal earlier this season.

As a kicker, a lot of Greer's job is hurry up and wait — but to always be ready when your number is called. And Greer talked about how his previous soccer minutes and football weight training turned his legs into cannons.

"Well for soccer, you're running down and up and down the field. 45 minutes, just keep on going. And it's constant, you're always kicking the ball," he said. "And then I got into lifting weights and all that. So I got more leg muscle and then they were like, 'kick the football.'"

After high school, Greer said he plans on attending school. He originally wanted to seek one career — but his path recently started to diverge.

"Well, about a year ago, I was so into like cars and all that and I wanted to be an engineer," he said. "And then just out of nowhere, it just changed."

So now, Greer will set his sights on a different electrifying environment after graduation.

"All my friends were like, we're gonna go to the powerlines," he said. "And then I know a few people that already graduated and all that kind of stuff. And (I thought) this is amazing."

But no matter what he does or where he goes in life, Greer said he'll always be thankful and appreciative of his time and accomplishments as a McAlester Buffalo.