
Paul Pogba says he first experienced depression under Jose Mourinho at Manchester United

Paul Pogba of Manchester United talks with Jose Mourinho, Manager of Manchester United on the sidelines during the Premier League match between Tottenham Hotspur and Manchester United at Wembley Stadium on January 31, 2018 in London, England. - GETTY IMAGES
Paul Pogba of Manchester United talks with Jose Mourinho, Manager of Manchester United on the sidelines during the Premier League match between Tottenham Hotspur and Manchester United at Wembley Stadium on January 31, 2018 in London, England. - GETTY IMAGES

Paul Pogba says he has battled depression “several times” during his career with the problems beginning during his time under Jose Mourinho at Manchester United.

The France midfielder endured a difficult relationship with Mourinho and was stripped of the vice-captaincy in September 2018, three months before the Portuguese was sacked as manager.

Mourinho was alleged to have branded Pogba a “virus” during one dressing room tirade with their relationship eventually reaching breaking point.

Pogba believes the situation led to mental health issues and says the money footballers earn does not make players immune from such problems.

“Completely, and several times during my career,” Pogba said when asked if he had experienced depression in an interview with French newspaper Le Figaro.

“I have been through it, but we don't talk about it. Sometimes you don't even know you have depression, you just want to be isolated, to be all alone, these are the unmistakable signs.

“From a personal perspective, that started when I was with Jose Mourinho at Manchester. You ask yourself if there is something wrong with you, because you have never experienced these moments in your life.

“Of course we earn a lot of money and we don't complain, really. But that does not prevent you from going through these moments in your life - like the whole world - which are more difficult than others.

“In football it is not acceptable but we are not superheroes, we are only human beings."

Manchester United's Paul Pogba. - REUTERS
Manchester United's Paul Pogba. - REUTERS

Pogba has revealed that he has sought help from friends and family as well as former players who have experienced it themselves, such as the old United and France defender Patrice Evra.

“I don't want it to be the case that these negative moments make me forget all my achievements," he said. “But it isn't necessarily easy and when I can't manage by myself, I talk a lot with Tonton Pat (Evra) - former players who have experienced it, because they will understand immediately.

“My psychiatrist can be my best friend, my wife or my son. To speak, to be listened to, to get out all of this rage and this depression that is gnawing at you is obligatory for me."

Pogba said he shared the same view of former Arsenal and France striker Thierry Henry, who believes there is not enough discussion about the mental health of players. The United midfielder used the situation Kylian Mbappe faced after his penalty shoot-out miss led to France’s Euro 2020 exit against Switzerland last summer as example.

“I agree entirely with Titi (Henry)," Pogba said. “One is judged every three days, we have to be good all the time, although we have worries like everyone, whether that's with our partners, our coach, in everyday life.

“Of course you will feel it in your body, in your head, and you can have a month, even a year, when you are not great. But you can't say it - publicly anyway.

“Everything is inside your head, the mind controls everything and all top athletes go through these moments, but very few talk about it.

“Kylian, when he missed his penalty against Switzerland, nobody thought about him afterwards even though he received tonnes of criticism and awful things said about him.

“If you are not shielded mentally, you are dead in this sport. These tests will be the making of you, but you must not let your guard down."