
Opening Victories

Aug. 26—Athens- The Westwood Lady Panthers, Neches Lady Tigers and Oakwood Lady Panthers all began pool play for the Athens High School volleyball tournament on Friday.

Westwood Vs Oakwood

Westwood and Oakwood would square off in their first games of the day for a Lady Panther dual. Westwood, with leading lady Brylee Mitchell, #9, seemed to be in sync early against the smaller Oakwood squad, but never could quite pull away. While the Oakwood Lady Panthers lacked in size and athleticism, comparatively, they more then made up for in smart decision making and fundamental excellence. Oakwood also presented a supreme challenge at the net for Westwood, as several of Mitchells spikes were blocked at the net by senior Oakwood Lady Panther Rai'Miaya Winston, #13. Oakwood would keep climbing back into the set, eventually claiming a 19-17 lead in the first.

After a missed serve by Oakwood broke a short run, Westwood would turn up the juice. Mitchell, the junior outside hitter, took control of the match. While, again, several of her shots were blocked early in the set, she never lost confidence in the prowess of her right hand, and started to find holes on the Oakwood side of the floor, with the ladies of Westwood being able to pull out the set, 25-23.

The second set would start fast for Oakwood, as they claimed a quick 2-0 lead. With cheers plentiful from the Oakwood faithful, it began to feel as though momentum was starting to switch their way. The third point volley stayed active for a several possessions, each team digging out spikes and passing with precision. Sophomore hitter Shu'Nydeya Whitehead, #3, then proceeded to swing the momentum all the way back in Westwoods favor with high elevation spike kill, better then what they teach in the textbooks. While Oakwood would never quit, and played hard through the final point, the ladies of Westwood proved to be to much. Westwood would go on to win the match in two sets, 25-23 and 25-20.


Neches Lady Tigers would start pool play against the very athletic but still growing Mexia Lady Black Cats. Neches' style of play, which is very a patient, heavily fundamentally sound approach, proved to be to much for Mexia, as they went down in two straight sets, 25-15 and 25-5.

The Lady Tigers would have a much tougher test on their hands in the next pool game, as the would be paired against Whitehouse. The Whitehouse Lady Wildcats sent their junior varsity squad to Athens. While this may sound like a lucky break for The Lady Tigers, it most certainly is not. Whitehouse is a 5A school, that has incredible athletics programs, that are also rather well funded. They have also received a boost in support the last few years, considering Whitehouse's most famous son is arguably the best football player on the planet, Patrick Maholmes.

Neches, the 1A powerhouse that could, stood toe to toe against the giant and slayed the beast.

Early on in the match, Neches tried to over power the Lady Wildcats to no avail. Whitehouse was able to use their height advantage and block several of outside hitter Sealy Hines, #12, powerful spikes with ease. The Lady Tigers did not miss a beat, and stayed in an attacking mindset, eventually building a 24-22 advantage. But, with sloppy play by the Lady Tigers and fantastic defense by the Lady Wildcats, Whitehouse would not allow another point in the set, and came back to take the first 26-24.

With option number one seeming to be a losing battle, the Lady Tigers dug deep and tightened their defensive efforts for the next set. Beautiful displays of unselfishness ruled the second set, with the Lady Tigers throwing caution to wind, diving and digging out, it seemed, every Lady Wildcat spike. When it became evident that neither team could over power the other, Neches really began to shine. With a calm, quite confidence the Lady Tigers went to work, scoring with one-touch taps and well placed spikes, and took the second set 25-21.

By the third set Whitehouse's confidence seemed to be waining. Neches was able to build a small lead to start the third set, which in tournament play is to 15 points, and they would never give it up. Arguably the best two plays of the game were the last. Neches Lady Tiger Aubrey Kincade, #10, blasted a kill between the outstretched hands of two defenders at the net to set up match point. And for the match point, Hines would get her revenge. On the beautiful assist from Madi Gordon, #3, Hines would send a cross court spike that would make a Nolan Ryan fastball look like a Sunday stroll, to give the Lady Tigers the 15-10 set, and 2-1 match victories.

Bracket Play

Bracket play for the Athens High School tournament will begin Saturday in Athens. The Neches Lady Tigers and Westwood Lady Panthers will be in the gold, championship, bracket. The Oakwood Lady Panthers, Palestine Lady Wildcats and Elkhart Lady Elks will be in the silver bracket. Gold bracket play will be in the Athens competition gym, with silver games being in the old gym.

First games of bracket play

Silver Bracket

Palestine Lady Wildcats Vs. La Grange Lady Leopards 8 a.m.

Oakwood Lady Panthers Vs. Athens Lady Hornets 10 a.m.

Elkhart Lady Elks Vs. Mineola Lady Yellowjackets 11 a.m.

Gold Bracket

Westwood Lady Panthers Vs. Kaufman Lady Lions 8 a.m.

Neches Lady Tigers Vs. Robinson Lady Rockets 11 a.m.