
O'Neil on VAR vote, summer plans and Klopp's final game

Wolves boss Gary O'Neil has been speaking to the media before his side's final Premier League game of the season against Liverpool.

Here are the key headlines from his news conference:

  • Wolves have triggered a vote on the future of VAR in the Premier League, which will take place in June, and O'Neil said: "In its current state, I would be more than happy for it to be abolished. I'm stood at Molineux once every two weeks and the fans' mood towards it is really clear, there's a real negative energy towards what impact it's had on the experience of watching their team."

  • However, he added: "I do still think there's scope to just improve it as well. If we're going to leave it how it is, I would definitely be a fan of getting rid of it, but there is still an opportunity they can improve it and if we are going to keep it, it needs to be improved drastically."

  • Asked if he was aware how other Premier League clubs may vote, O'Neil said: "I've no idea how it will go, we haven't put any feelers out. It's a good way to start the discussion. Let's see how many teams still want it and how many don't, and the ones that do, are they happy with it in its current form? It has to evolve, I'd be astounded if we started next season with it in the form it's in at this moment."

  • O'Neil said departing Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp is an "iconic figure" at his club and is "one of the best Premier League managers ever".

  • However, the Wolves boss continued: "As much as I want Jurgen to have a nice send-off with his fans, there is still a chance that we can finish in the top 10. If you’d said that to me at the start of the season, that we can win our last game and potentially finish in the top 10, I’d have definitely signed up for it. We go there with that as our focus."

  • Pedro Neto has "trained well and felt good" this week and is likely to be in the squad, although fellow winger Pablo Sarabia has a minor injury and is a "slight doubt".

  • On summer recruitment plans, O'Neil said: "I had some good conversations with Jeff [Shi, chairman] around the summer and things we might be able to do. Things have started to move a little bit and we're trying to position ourselves, when we come back in July and the season starts in August, to be in the best place possible."

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