
Nick Scott reveals how Super Bowl conversation went with new Bengals teammates

Here’s a fun one before the 2023 season starts — new Cincinnati Bengals safety Nick Scott just revealed how awkward things went when discussing the Super Bowl with his new teammates.

Scott, of course, was a member of the Los Angeles Rams team that beat the Bengals in the Super Bowl two years ago.

Upon arrival in Cincinnati, Scott says he didn’t bring up the topic at all. He spoke with Kay Adams on “Up & Adams” about the situation:

“It started out a little awkward. I’ll say this. I never brought up the Super Bowl. Some of my teammates did and they wanted to talk about it. So to each their own, some guys don’t talk about it, some guys do, but it’s all good.”

Scott says it was fittingly veteran safety Michael Thomas who brought it up first to break the ice, while both host and guest mentioned that former Kansas City Chiefs tackle Orlando Brown Jr. doesn’t bring it up often, either.

From the sounds of it — as expected — veteran leadership smoothed things over quickly on this front.

Story originally appeared on Bengals Wire