
LIV Golf triggers furious row in Australia after unveiling Adelaide event

Greg Norman - Eric Espada/Getty Images
Greg Norman - Eric Espada/Getty Images

The LIV controversy continues to light fires across the golfing world with Australia the latest battleground as politicians clash over the news that Adelaide will stage an event next year on the Saudi-funded circuit.

Greg Norman appeared at the Adelaide Oval to declare that the city’s Grange course will host the country’s first LIV event and while the league’s CEO stated his well-trailed belief that the likes of Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy should be thankful that the start-up Tour has forced the PGA Tour to increase its incentives for the big names, in the background a vitriolic row in the corridors of power was unfolding.

If there was any lingering doubt concerning LIV’s propensity to divide, then the wide difference of opinion between the incumbent South Australian premier and his predecessor has surely made that point unarguable

Peter Malinauskas declared that this is an “unparalleled opportunity for the state” while Rex Patrick is adamant that the money of taxpayers should not be utilised to “assist foreign leaders in washing away unconscionable acts such as the murdering of a journalist for doing his job”.

The killing of Jamal Khashoggi has proven to be a constant backdrop to LIV in its first year as the likes of Cam Smith, Phil Mickelson, Dustin Johnson and Europe Ryder Cup heroes such as Sergio García, Lee Westwood and Ian Poulter have been accused of helping the Kingdom “sportswash” in return for signing-on fees of up to $200 million.

In joining Norman on the podium, Malinauskas referenced the defence agreements between Australia and Saudi Arabia, at the same time as rounding on the PGA Tour. “I’m very conscious of the arguments that the establishment monopolist forces in golf try and push around for their own benefit. I’m more interested in the facts,” he said.

“I think what Australians are focused on is having an internationalist view of the world which maximises the economic benefit in an appropriate way for the people of our country and our state but ... I encourage a moment of pause, of caution and a rational analysis of basic facts. This is an unparalleled opportunity for our state and our country in a way that is utterly appropriate, and one that we’ve got an obligation to pursue, rather than the opposite.”

Patrick, meanwhile, recognised the financial benefits but insisted there will be a price to pay for the event which will take place a fortnight  after the Masters in April.

'It will bring economic activity but also stain'

“Hosting the Saudi backed LIV Golf event will bring economic activity to SA, but it will also bring stain,” he said. “You [Malinauskas] should explain how you’ve reconciled monetary gain with human rights pain.”

LIV’s 14-event 2023 schedule is due to be unveiled in the next few weeks with the Centurion Club – the St Albans layout which staged the inaugural £22 milion – event in June  the host for the England stop two weeks before the Open and Valderrama, the former Ryder Cup course, the stage for the first LIV event on the continent. It is believed that the $405 million series will all kick-off in Mexico in February.

Norman was quick to highlight the influence of Smith, the Open champion, in securing their home country’s place on the LIV calendar. “I couldn’t have done it honestly without having someone like Cam Smith wanting to commit to team Aussie,” Norman said. “So for him coming on board and to see the way he has 120 per cent embraced LIV and the LIV family concept has helped accelerate it all.”

For his part, Smith welcomed the news, calling it “a goosebump moment” and also pleaded with the majors to rise above the ever escalating civil war when it comes to including the rebel players at their championships.

"I think the majors really have to stand above all the politics," Smith, the world No3, told The Age. "If they really want the best product and the best players playing against each other in the world, they have to let us play. There's no reason other than playing another tour that should suggest we shouldn't play. We're definitely good enough players. We should have those spots.”