
I'm Isaiah Cobbs: This is why I signed with Washington State football

The Commercial Appeal asked Munford senior Isaiah Cobbs to say in his own words why he chose Washington State.

Here is what Cobbs wrote to The Commercial Appeal:

Choosing to accept a scholarship and play football at Washington State was a decision deeply rooted in my passion for the game and a desire for personal growth. Coming from Munford, a small town near Memphis, TN, the prospect of joining the Washington St. football program felt like a great opportunity for me to spread my wings and grow, because it felt like HOME!

Being blessed with a scholarship not only takes away the financial burden of education but also reflects the belief the coaching staff has in my potential as an athlete. Washington State's football program and coaching staff have a stellar reputation, and the chance to contribute to its legacy is a challenge I eagerly embrace. The commitment to excellence in both academics and athletics align with my values, providing a well-rounded college experience.

Leaving the familiarity of my hometown for the vibrant community of Washington State is an exciting transition. The city’s enthusiasm for football and the spirited fan base create an electrifying atmosphere that fuels my motivation to perform at my best. This move represents not just a shift in location but a significant step towards achieving my athletic dreams.

When I really think about it, Washington State’s strong emphasis on the development of student athletes, taking the BALL PLAYER no matter the size and supporting the person outside of just football, assures me that my time there will be characterized by both athletic achievement and personal growth.

The support network, both on and off the field, reinforces my decision to be a part of something greater than myself and contribute to the Washington State football legacy while proudly representing God , my FAMILY, Munford and Memphis, TN.

This article originally appeared on Memphis Commercial Appeal: Washington State football: Isaiah Cobbs writes why he chose the Cougars