
Geno Smith posts about disrespect on Twitter, Seahawks fans respond

One of many key decisions the Seahawks will have to make this offseason is what to do with veteran quarterback Geno Smith. Smith has performed at a high level over the last two seasons and his contract makes him one of the best values in the league at his position. However, Smith is now 33 years old and Seattle’s roster has an ongoing youth movement that will likely accelerate under their next head coach, whoever that might be.

We can talk all day whether or not the Seahawks should keep Geno in 2024, but what should no longer be up for debate is his game. Ignore his career win/loss record, ignore the nothing-special traditonal stats for the 2023 season, ignore everything you have ever heard a pundit say about Geno Smith, because he’s proven time and again over the last two years that he’s a top-10 starter who elevates his performance in crunchtime into elite-QB territory.

Despite missing two starts and playing through multiple injuries several games in a row, Smith broke the NFL record for game-winning drives (5) this past season and he did it with an atrocious pass-blocking offensive line. The man has earned his laurels. Period.

Nevertheless, you can find no shortage of disrespect for Smith on social media. It seems that Geno himself found some the other day on Twitter. Here’s what he shared about what he perceived as disrespect on his timeline.

We don’t know exactly what Smith is referring to, but it’s not hard to find terribly-uninformed bad takes on him. In any case, it seems most fans still support Geno.

Here’s how Seahawks fans are responding in his mentions.

Story originally appeared on Seahawks Wire