
Faces off the field: The two sides of Beau Parker, aka Georgetown's 'Georgie the Eagle'

All about Beau: four states, seven different schools

Tell us something about you that most people don't know.

I’m a military brat. My mom was stationed at the Pentagon when she had me. I’ve lived in four states and attended seven different schools, but I’m so glad we settled in Georgetown because being "Georgie" has been the highlight of my life.

Do you plan to be a mascot for some team/school after you graduate?

I plan on enlisting in the Marine Corps after graduation, but being "Georgie" has been such an amazing experience. If given the chance to be a mascot at a college or university, I wouldn’t have to think twice.

Beau Parker has to follow guidelines as Georgetown's mascot. No talking, for example. No offensive gestures. No changing in and out of costume in public. Some kids ask whether he is a boy or girl and whether he is a "demoted football player."
Beau Parker has to follow guidelines as Georgetown's mascot. No talking, for example. No offensive gestures. No changing in and out of costume in public. Some kids ask whether he is a boy or girl and whether he is a "demoted football player."

What has been your favorite Halloween costume?

I’ve liked the "Scream" movies ever since I was a little kid, and would dress up as Ghostface all the time. I’d like to dress up as him again this Halloween if I can find a costume that fits.

What do you believe is the world's greatest invention?

For me, it’s earplugs. I love my fellow cheerleaders, but as the only guy on the squad, there’s only so much of that girl music I can stand. They play it at practice, on the bus. … I just really don’t like it.

The two sides of Beau and Georgie

How did you get interested in becoming a team mascot?

When I was 15, a fellow cheerleader suggested I try out for the mascot. Being new to Georgetown, I had been looking for an activity to join and I immediately knew being a mascot would be something I’d be good at and something I’d enjoy.

As "Georgie the Eagle," what are some of the strangest things kids have ever said to you?

How much time do you have? I get a lot of the same questions. Here are the most common: Are they paying you to do this? Are you a boy or a girl? Are you a demoted football player? And I get a lot of requests for certain dance moves.

Beau Parker of Georgetown High, also known as "Georgie the Eagle," plans to join the Marines after graduation. His favorite Halloween costume is dressing up as Ghostface from the "Scream" movies.
Beau Parker of Georgetown High, also known as "Georgie the Eagle," plans to join the Marines after graduation. His favorite Halloween costume is dressing up as Ghostface from the "Scream" movies.

What's the hardest part about being Georgetown's mascot?

I get asked a lot about the heat, and wearing contacts can be very unpleasant because I literally have sweat pouring down my face at times. Mainly, I’d say mobility and the fact that the costume really limits my vision. I have a friend who helps guide me around when I need it, but I’m really tall, so that makes it difficult when a little kid comes out of nowhere and hugs me and I can’t see them.

Are there rules to being a mascot you have to follow?

No talking, no changing in and out of my costume in public, no obscene gestures with my hands. I’d never do that anyway. And no holding babies. I take pretty seriously the fact that I represent Georgetown Cheer, so integrity is important to me.

What's the best part of being a mascot?

It sounds cliché, but making people smile. The point of a mascot is to entertain, and I enjoy performing my job to the best of my ability. Being a military brat, I'm familiar with adapting and meeting new people. I love hanging out with the band, Georgettes, color guard, and just having fun on the field.

Do you go through any routines before you walk onto the field?

I like to watch retro cartoons to get me in mascot mode. We’re taught to use exaggerated motions as part of our persona, and the overemphasized animation of old cartoons is perfect.

Dream Dinner: an eclectic guest list

If you could have dinner with four people in the history of the world, who would they be?

I would choose Alan Rickman, Jeremy Bulloch, Oskar Schindler and Billie Holliday.

Why Jeremy Bulloch?

I’m a huge "Star Wars" fan, and Jeremy played my favorite character, Boba Fett, in the original trilogy. I want to ask him if I can try on the costume.

This article originally appeared on Austin American-Statesman: Faces off the field: Meet Beau Parker, aka Georgetown mascot 'Georgie'