
Expert picks are nearly universally against the Dolphins in Week 4

Week 4 of the 2020 NFL season won’t be an easy one for the Miami Dolphins. This is a team that, despite coming off a win last week against the Jacksonville Jaguars, will struggle to bottle up the Seattle Seahawks arial attack — which is led by long-time star quarterback Russell Wilson. Wilson is playing some of the best ball in his career — he’s set the NFL record for touchdown passes in the first three weeks of an NFL season (14) and has been nearly unstoppable.

So it should come to the surprise of absolutely no one that the expert picks for this game are in Seattle’s favor. But the margin of divide between the two is still pretty stunning to see. According to NFL Pick Watch, the Dolphins are only being picked to win by 2% of submissions about this weekend’s contest — the other 98% are falling to Seattle. That isn’t the worst margin in the NFL this week (that honor goes to Baltimore’s 100% of the vote over the Washington Football Team), but it is still one of the more “disrespectful” margins in the NFL.

Respect will be hard to come by for Miami for the time being. This team will need to showcase themselves more consistently and more positively before anyone starts to give them the benefit of the doubt. That’s a natural byproduct of the Dolphins’ rebuilding efforts and just how far “behind” this team is perceived to be due to their roster teardown.

Even if a win against Seattle doesn’t come, Miami can do themselves a favor by keeping this thing competitive and staying in it until the very end — as they did with the 3-0 Buffalo Bills in Week 2. Like in Week 2, Miami may very well be without their best defensive player in CB Byron Jones but if Miami’s offense can keep things tight against the Seattle defense, pundits will have no choice but to take a little more notice moving forward.