
Here are 10 pictures of sleeping ballplayers

The Chicago White Sox got a little bit of attention on Thursday for a story that says they're encouraging their players to take power naps as a way of recharging their batteries over a long season. That's all fine and good and I'm guessing that Ken Griffey Jr. and his affinity for snoozing fit in just fine with the Pale Hose a few years back.

But I'm also not exactly sure — and stop me if I'm sounding like a Yahoo! commenter here — why this is news. The only thing baseball players are better at than playing baseball is sleeping and it's not exactly an uncommon experience to see a player snoozing underneath a towel in the corner of a clubhouse. A 162-game schedule in a tiring thing.

At any rate, in the spirit of that not-so-secret sheep counting, here are 10 pictures of baseball players sneaking some sleep in various locales:

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