
Barrett Carter on why he’s returning to Clemson for another season

Fans were thrilled to hear the news that Barrett Carter decided to return to Clemson for another season.

Carter, one of the Tigers’ stop players and a possible first-round pick in the 2024 NFL draft, shocked many with this decision. It was a difficult decision for Carter, but one he had help with along the way.

His pastor, Dan Lian, was a big influence on his decision at NewSpring Church. Carter had an ear in Lian, and he was someone whose connection meant a lot to Carter in this decision.

“I talked to so many people about my decision because I really didn’t know what to do, but I talked to Dan Lian, and he really just gave me so much clarity, just said ‘don’t make a decision based off of fear’ and I think that was just exactly what I needed to hear. Something clicked in my head, I knew what I needed to do after hearing that,” Carter said.

Following this conversation, the choice was clear for Carter.

“I think God works in mysterious ways,” Carter said. “And us going to lunch that day really opened the door for me that I had to make the decision to come back.”

Story originally appeared on Clemson Wire