
Anderson's Evelyn Grossman knows she's lucky — even if she was born on Friday the 13th

All about Evelyn: This child of Friday the 13th is lucky

What do you enjoy most about the holiday season?

I would say spending time with my family, being cozy and watching movies. I really like "Elf." My family does an annual "Elf" quote-along. ... There's a theater downtown where everyone yells out the words, and it's really fun.

Tell us something about you that most people don't know.

I was born on Friday the 13th in October. I'm quite a spooky child. When I tell people that, they think, ooh, it's interesting. I've never felt, though, that I've had an unlucky streak.

Anderson soccer player Evelyn Grossman believes that language is the world's greatest invention. The ability to communicate bonds us all. If given a choice, she'd prefer to be valedictorian over all-state in soccer.
Anderson soccer player Evelyn Grossman believes that language is the world's greatest invention. The ability to communicate bonds us all. If given a choice, she'd prefer to be valedictorian over all-state in soccer.

What do you believe to be the world's greatest invention?

I feel like language is. Society would not be where it is if we didn't have the ability to communicate and connect with people.

If you had a choice of being valedictorian of your class or all-state in soccer, what would you choose?

That's tough. I'd say valedictorian. I just value school over soccer despite caring about soccer a lot. But I could do both.

Do you have plans for after you graduate?

I want to continue to play soccer in college and go to a place that I will enjoy. I have no idea what to study, but I'm interested in doing something STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) related.

You're ranked 13th in a class of 550. Why is education so important to you?

Having a good education equips you with tools you need in every aspect of life. I really value that and being able to understand different perspectives.

Trojans bond over soccer and karaoke

What has been your greatest soccer memory at Anderson?

There was a game last year where we sang karaoke in the cafeteria when we had our pregame meal. It was fun and great, and everyone bonded. We all started singing Carrie Underwood. It was intense.

Evelyn Grossman of Anderson aspires to play soccer in college. As for her education, she's interested in science, technology, engineering and math. She ranks 13th in a class of 550 students.
Evelyn Grossman of Anderson aspires to play soccer in college. As for her education, she's interested in science, technology, engineering and math. She ranks 13th in a class of 550 students.

Has soccer taught you any lessons you use in daily life?

It taught me how to deal with people who think differently than I do. Work as a team and collaborate.

Do you have any pregame rituals?

I put my hair up the same way. I use two hair ties for my ponytail, and I use another two for my bun. For school I wear my ponytail braid.

Dream dinner: A night to feel supreme

If you could have dinner with four people in the history of the world, who would they be?

There are so many, but I will choose my uncle (Garrett Hamm) who passed away before I was born. I'd also have Tom Holland, Ryan Reynolds and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

What do you think Ruth Bader Ginsburg would tell the group?

She would talk about living life to the fullest and finding something you're passionate about and sticking with that.

Faces off the field

Other Austin-area soccer players we've interviewed this season: Westwood's Mia Wiele

This article originally appeared on Austin American-Statesman: Faces off the field: Meet Evelyn Grossman, Anderson soccer player