
12 must-have items to help you stay cool and relaxed during August’s heat

It’s that time of year again! Just as you think you’ve escaped the peak of summer, temperatures start to climb again, leaving you sweaty, out of breath, and starting to wish for autumn’s crisp, cool embrace. The last month of summer tends to be a doozy if you live somewhere with high temperatures, so it’s crucial to go into it prepared with ways to keep yourself cool and relaxed.

To help you survive the next month in style and comfort, we’re here for you with twelve refreshing and relaxing items to keep you surviving and thriving in the blistering summer weather.

1. Outlast those end-of-summer parties with Tumble

Summer is a wonderful, beautiful season full of the joy of warm weather and pool parties. Still, all that extra time spent outdoors tends to come with an increased tendency to bring the outdoors back inside with you: dust, grass, and maybe even the dreaded sand from that beach trip that seems to get absolutely everywhere.

With temperatures soaring, the last thing you need is the added heat of a heavy, hard-to-clean rug. Not to mention, you want to be able to enjoy those end-of-summer parties and events to the fullest without worrying about cleaning up after them! Thankfully, Tumble’s washable rugs are here to save the day.

These rugs are designed to be light and breathable, helping keep your living space feeling as cool as a cucumber. Plus, they’re washable! 

Did someone track in half the beach? No problem! Simply toss the rug into the washing machine, and voila — it’s as good as new. Their range includes a myriad of sizes and designs to suit any decor. Plus, they’re super durable, ensuring they can endure not just summer but every season of the year. So say goodbye to the stress of spills and dirt, and say hello to a summer of carefree relaxation with Tumble’s washable rugs.

2. Stay calm, cool, and collected with Sunmed


Summer adventures are often synonymous with getting active and spending time outdoors. Whether you play a sport, love long runs, can’t get enough of hiking, or are just making the most out of prime pool party weather, there’s nothing better when the weather gets warm than getting outside! 

Still, rising temperatures can add stress to your body, leading to extra soreness, fatigue, and even injuries.

Soothing and replenishing CBD cream from Sunmed is the perfect way to cool yourself down and stay at peak performance. This award-winning full spectrum cream uses hydrating botanicals such as shea butter, cocoa butter, and coconut oil, so you can also fight back the dryness and cracked skin that often comes with warmer temperatures. 

Just apply this topical cream to any part of your body that could use a little love and enhance your recovery like nothing else you’ve experienced before! It’s the easiest way to make your summer a little more relaxing and a little bit more enjoyable without making much effort at all.

3. Melt your stress, not your makeup with Lashify


The summer heat can make mascara clumpy, runny, and a hot mess. That’s not to mention the challenges that come along with testing out every product under the (literal) sun until you find a truly waterproof mascara to rock at all of those end-of-summer pool parties. This August, ‘tis the season to say goodbye to mascara woes and hello to Lashify’s natural lash extensions.

These lash extensions are designed to withstand the heat, staying firmly in place even when the mercury rises. Lightweight and easy to apply, these extensions add a touch of glam to your summer look without the usual mascara-induced panda eyes. 

The best part? They’re made from natural materials, meaning they’re gentle on your eyes, perfect for sensitive skin, and environmentally friendly too! Keep your flutter game strong and your worries at bay with Lashify’s natural lash extensions.

4. Stay breezy and beautiful in a tunic top from Johnny Was

(Johnny Was)
(Johnny Was)

It’s time to break out your breeziest, coolest attire as the temperature climbs. We’re talking loose-fitting and flowy to keep you cool — without sacrificing style by feeling like you’re wearing a tent. To accomplish both of these seemingly opposite goals, it’s time to elevate your summer wardrobe with Johnny Was’s range of tunics for women.

Tunic tops are designed with lightweight, breathable materials that keep you cool as a cucumber, no matter how hot it gets outside. With a variety of cuts and colors, these tunics offer the perfect blend of comfort and style. Airy yet flattering, our tunic tops are a must-have for any summer wardrobe. 

These pieces are perfect with leggings, bike shorts, regular shorts, cropped pants, or even wide-leg linen pants and max-skirts if you’re embracing a more bohemian, go-with-the-flow kind of vibe this August. Whatever your personal style, a tunic top can help you embrace it, even as you keep out the heat.

5. BabyBuddha has the pro-tip for mommies on the move


Summer can be tricky for busy moms juggling the kids, the heat, and everything else in between. If you’re a nursing mother, the challenges can feel even bigger, especially when it’s hot and sticky outside. The only thing that can make the weather more uncomfortable is stopping everything to sit and holding your little one up to you, magnifying the heat. No, scratch that: the only thing worse is having to attach a big, heavy machine to yourself to pump.

To make your life a little easier, BabyBuddha has created the ultimate portable, electric breast pump. Lightweight, compact, and easy to carry, this breast pump is perfect for moms on the move. Whether you’re heading to the beach, the park, or just getting through another busy day at home, this breast pump makes feeding your little one a breeze. 

Designed for maximum comfort and efficiency, the pump operates quietly, giving you one less thing to worry about. Plus, it’s so small, light, and efficient that you don’t have to worry about overheating because you’ve basically got a radiator strapped to your chest. It’s essential for any new mom — and that goes double when you’re trying to beat the heat!

6. Fill in the gaps in your nutrition with Ritual

If you’re not eating well and staying in shape, that can affect how well you’re able to deal with extreme temperatures. In the last month of summer, when you want to let loose and indulge before the school year starts, it’s not uncommon to realize you’ve let your wellness fall by the wayside leading into fall.

To help fill in the gaps a summer of barbecues and s’mores has left in your nutrition, taking vitamins from Ritual can help you meet your needs easily. It’s an easy way to promote a healthier diet and kickstart your “new season, new you” vibe going into the fall. Ritual will even help you answer pressing questions about your nutrition, like, “Do vitamins expire?”

When you’re not eating right, it can affect everything, down to your energy levels. So this summer, don’t let your energy levels dip with the rising temperatures. Stay cool, stay vibrant, and stay on top of your game with Ritual!

7. Beat the heat in style with Daniel’s Jewelers

(Daniel’s Jewelers)
(Daniel’s Jewelers)

Why should the sun be the only one shining this summer? Turn up the sparkle and beat the heat in style with the range of fine jewelry from Daniel’s Jewelers. These are not just pieces of jewelry; they’re statements that express your unique style as an extension of your radiant personality.

Made with premium materials that won’t tarnish or fade in the heat, their jewelry range features designs to suit every taste. Daniel’s Jewelers has something for everyone, from minimalist pieces to make a subtle statement to bold and elaborate designs that let the world know you’re not about to let the vibrant and exciting summer vibes fade as you head into August. So, add some glitz to your summer and outshine the sun, no matter how hot it gets.

8. Become one with the heat with Sips by

While tea may not seem like what you want to reach for when temperatures are soaring, there’s something to that idea: “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” Tea is a cultural touchstone in many cultures that originate in hot, dry places — there’s something about a steaming cuppa that can help transform that hot, uncomfortable weather around you into a cozy, delicious moment. And if you’re new to the world of tea, you need to start with tea gift sets from Sips by.

If you don’t want to become one with the weather, you can also cold brew the tea for a refreshing iced beverage that will help keep you cool on hot days. The natural ingredients provide soothing effects and a burst of flavor in each sip. 

Sips by’s gift sets feature beautiful packaging, making them a perfect gift for a tea-loving friend or a delightful treat for yourself. This summer, forget the ordinary and refresh your senses with the unique tea blends from Sips by.

9. Stay in tune with summer vibes using Rocksmith+

Nothing says summer like a campfire, a starlit sky, and the melodic strumming of a guitar. Whether you’re an experienced musician or picking up the guitar for the first time, Rocksmith+’s guitar tuner is a must-have for your summer gear. Because staying cool this August isn’t just about temperature — it’s also about staying cool.

Lightweight and portable, this guitar tuner ensures your strings are perfectly tuned to produce harmonious sounds that resonate with the summer vibe. It’s quick, it’s accurate, and it’s user-friendly. It’s perfect for those spontaneous beach trips, backyard gatherings, or quiet evenings on the porch. Keep the good vibes flowing and the tunes harmonious this summer, no matter the weather, with Rocksmith+.

10. Make the great indoors your happy place with hOmeLabs


Oh, the heat of August! Sometimes, the best way to beat it is simply to escape it. Of course, that can be hard if you find that your home is more about retaining heat than helping save you from it. That’s where a window air conditioner from the geniuses at hOmeLabs comes in, promising to turn your living space into a cool, relaxing haven.

This window air conditioner is designed to efficiently cool your spaces, transforming your home into an oasis away from the scorching summer heat. Easy installation, energy-efficient operation, and a “quiet” mode provide a serene and comfortable environment indoors. 

With this must-have summer appliance, you can control the coolness to your liking rather than letting the heat control you. When August’s heat gets too much to bear, retreat indoors and let a window air conditioner keep you cool and comfortable.

11. Stay hydrated, stay cool with Que’s freezable water bottle

Hydration is key during summer, but nobody likes sipping lukewarm water when temperatures are soaring. There’s nothing more annoying than reaching into the freezer for ice and finding that all your ice is stuck together — or (almost) worse, filling your water bottle with ice when you have sensitive teeth!

That’s why Que has got you covered with a freezer-friendly water bottle. It’s the perfect companion to help you stay cool and hydrated all day long.

No need for ice cubes that take up precious space or melt too quickly. You can reserve as much space as possible for water that stays cool for hours, no matter how warm it is around you. Plus, it’s sturdy, leak-proof, and comes in a variety of vibrant designs to match your summer mood. Keep your cool, quench your thirst, and stay hydrated this August because drinking enough water is more important than ever in the heat!

12. Relax with a low-impact workout from Alomoves

Ironically, exercising can be a great way to help yourself relax — but at the same time, when it’s so hot out that even walking has you sweating, it can be hard to convince yourself to do anything intensely aerobic or high impact, for fear that you’ll overheat. So if you’re looking for a way to relax, unwind, and cool down this summer, it’s time to take up yoga with the help of a subscription to Alomoves.

This subscription provides access to yoga classes suitable for all levels. You can enjoy slow, calming sessions to ease your mind or engage in low-impact yoga flows that keep you active without working up too much of a sweat.

Each class is led by experienced instructors who will guide you through each pose, ensuring you get the most out of your practice. It’s a great way to help distract yourself from the hot weather and to stay in shape when more intensive workouts seem deadly in the heat.

Ride out the rest of the Summer in style and comfort

Staying cool and relaxed during August’s heat doesn’t have to be a dream. From washable rugs that add a fresh touch to your spaces to refreshing vitamins and freezable water bottles to keep you hydrated, this list has everything you need to ride out the rest of the summer season comfortably, all while looking (and feeling!) cool and relaxed.

Each item on our list is designed to make your summer days more enjoyable, relaxing, and, most importantly, cooler. Whether investing in a product to make motherhood easier, a guitar tuner to keep the summer tunes flowing, or a yoga subscription to maintain your zen, these summer must-haves are all about keeping you at ease. 

Instead of dreading the rising temperatures this August, embrace the summer vibes wholeheartedly. The heat doesn’t stand a chance!

Story originally appeared on List Wire