
Live Trippin': Tuesday, Dec. 1 at noon PT

Follow Michael Silver at Mogotxt and Twitter.

As a sign that the custodians of the Crescent City have their priorities in order, New Orleans City Hall and other government offices closed early on Monday to accommodate preparations for the Saints' 38-17 beatdown of the Patriots at the Superdome.

Some of us, however, are working overtime.

After spending 36 hours over the weekend being thoroughly entertained by injured Chicago Bears middle linebacker Brian Urlacher(notes) – the last 24 of which did not involve sleep – I flew home to California to work on the 32 Questions you love to question.

It's been a couple of weeks since we last tripped, so there's a lot to cover Tuesday afternoon: We can talk about the struggles of the current Tampa Bay Buccaneers head coach and the enviable position of the former one; we can discuss the love I gave the San Diego Chargers and the absolute disrespect I showed for the Indianapolis Colts by (gasp!) picking against them last Sunday. We can ponder the Broncos' slump or the recent incident that gives new meaning to the term Tiger Slam.

Ah, yes, Tiger: The last time I saw the golfing great, he was being booed by insolent people in blue and gold. How did that game turn out, anyway?

You know I want to talk about that – for a generous hour, beginning at noon Pacific Time.

Be there, or be jeered.