
RG3 laughs along with NFL Network spoof

To all those great attributes listed in the glowing scouting reports on Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III, add this one -- a sense of humor.

On NFL Network's "NFL AM" program Wednesday morning, analysts Steve Wyche and Eric Davis did a spoof on the most recent, alleged controversy to come out of the 24/7 news cycle involving RG3's recovery from knee surgery.

The background is that on Tuesday, Griffin denied that he and Redskins coach Mike Shanahan have issues, although it is been obvious that the player is anxious to get into some action and the coach wants to be cautious.

So even before dawn East Coast time Wednesday -- the day Griffin did return to 11-on-11 drills for the first time since surgery -- the TV crew at "NFL AM" produced a skit involving Wyche, playing the role of Shanahan, and Davis, complete with dreadlocks as RG3, at a mock Redskins podium, in a mock press conference.

Griffin later announced to all that he watched the skit. First, here is a summation of the spoof:

Wyche (Shanahan): "There is this guy named Adrian Peterson. He torqued his knee, just like you did. He really wanted to play in the preseason. You know how many snaps he took in the preseason last year, Robert? Zero. And he went out and he rushed for more than 2,000 yards. ..."

(Wyche exits, Davis comes to podium, dressed to look like Griffin, who, it helps to know, recently had a big wedding.)

Davis (Griffin): "I just want you guys to know there is nothing going on between coach and I. Coach and I, he ... was at my house and we actually got to use some of the blenders and toasters that you guys signed up for on our registry. ... I really do appreciate that. Coach came in, wiped his feet -- Keith, thanks for the doormat. ... Coach Shanahan and I are fine. We are perfect. There is absolutely nothing going on against us.

"I am going to do everything like I said. I am the player, coach is the coach. I am going to abide by the rules, they have a plan and I am not going to do one thing to let you guys know there is anything going on."

Davis (Griffin) continues to talk as he does jumping jacks, jumps up and down like a pogo stick at the podium while saying, "I am not going to say anything about my knee getting better. I am just doing what I have to."

Davis (Griffin) pulls out sign on a stick with arrow pointing to his knee as he flexes his right knee, wiggles it around, then takes a football and hops gingerly left and right ... while still pledging his allegiance to whatever coach says.

The real Griffin, who apparently watched live or replays on TV at camp, responded on his Twitter account, saying, "Must be honest with ya @NFL_AM you guys had us all rolling on the floor laughing with that skit this morning #LetsAllMoveOn"