
Jason “Mayhem” Miller Makes Statement Following Recent Arrest for Bizarre Burglary (Updated)

Retired UFC fighter Jason “Mayhem” Miller was arrested recently under what could only be described as bizarre circumstances.

Miller allegedly broke into the Mission Hills Church in Mission Viejo, Calif., ransacking the place and spraying a fire extinguisher inside the church. Police then found him sitting naked on a couch in the church when the arrest was made.

Miller was charged with burglary and held for a medical evaluation, but has since been released on a $20,000 bail.

Though he has avoided media requests for comment since his release, Miller on Saturday took to his Facebook page to make a statement, although it did little to clarify the circumstances surrounding his recent actions.

“I know you all are probably very confused about me right now, and concerned for my well being,” wrote Miller. “I thank you for that, and please unnastand (sic) that everything is fine, and will probably make a lot more sense as time passes. Love you all.”

On Sunday, Miller opened up even more, commenting several times on Twitter, saying that what he did was something “socially unacceptable.”

“(It was) not a cry for attention, personal glory, or monetary gain,” he tweeted. “I did that in my time fighting for the UFC and have come to see I was wrong.”

Miller said little to directly explain his actions at the church, but did address those who he felt were legitimately concerned about his well being. “I am safe, with people that love me, and hope that you will join me. If I ever hurt anyone, I am sorry.”

Miller most recently fought in the UFC, but was released following a loss to CB Dollaway at UFC 146 in May after a run-in with UFC president Dana White in the backstage area.

Miller and White, just two days prior to Miller’s arrest, had a run-in on Twitter. White said that he initially thought Miller was joking with him, so he played into the exchange, but later regretted it when he realized that Miller was being serious with some explosive comments.

Stay tuned to for more information as details regarding Miller’s arrest develop, as well as other UFC related news and updates.