
Armstrong 'sincere' in apology at Livestrong

Before sitting down with Oprah Winfrey for an interview Monday, Lance Armstrong made a personal appearance at Livestrong and apologized to the staff of the Austin, Texas, charity he founded.

Armstrong planned to admit doping during his cycling career to Winfrey, breaking from his past tact of aggressive denials and counter-attacks.

A spokesperson for the company told USA Today it was an emotional "sincere and heartfelt" apology.

Livestrong functions to support cancer survivors. Armstrong beat cancer and returned to a championship international cycling career but his achievements were marred by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency's revelations in October. A detailed and massive file of evidence was released, including witness accounts and teammates testimony, that pointed to years of violations by Armstrong and his racing team.

Armstrong's Tour de France titles were stripped and he's not allowed to compete in racing events.

The interview with Winfrey is scheduled to be televised Thursday.