
'NBA 2K' Players Furious About Kobe Bryant Collector Level Reward Removal

'NBA 2K' Players Furious About Kobe Bryant Collector Level Reward Removal

2K has just announced something that has infuriated its fans, that those who were saving up for the top Collector Level reward in NBA 2K24 would no longer get the card they wanted, Kobe Bryant, the iconic NBA legend who died in 2020. "Players who achieve the top Collector Level will now receive an Option Pack for two picks out of ten previously released 100 OVR Cards,” 2K said. “We appreciate that players have dedicated time and effort throughout the year to achieve this reward and 2K is committed to ensuring players continue to earn valuable content as their reward." Players view this as a last-minute bait and switch, though the Terms of Service of the game do appear to account for something like this happening, so there is likely no recourse.