
You Can Now Fund a Slice of This Pizza Bed Creation

You Can Now Fund a Slice of This Pizza Bed Creation

Start with red sauce sheets, add a pepperoni-and-cheese duvet, and top it off with a crusty pillowcase, and voilà! You’ve got yourself a pizza bed.

The mockup for this delicious linens situation has been floating around the Web for the last few months, but once again, thanks to the power of social media, the Internet is making someone’s pipe dream a reality.

This pizza bed creation, which belongs to Brooklyn-based artist Claire Manganiello, is now gaining momentum on the crowdfunding website Kickstarter.

Manganiello says that the idea came to her when she and a friend were talking about "how nice it would be to be able to crawl under the cheese layer on a piece of pizza and then eat your way out."

The sheets are going for $100, $125, and $150, depending on the bedding/pizza size, of course.

You won’t be able to eat your way out of bed in the morning, but at least your order will be shipped to you in a pizza box!