
Video: ‘Mad Men’ supercut details excitement, despair of bracket pools

In AMC's "Mad Men," one of the recurring themes is the pursuit of the perfect life, and the happiness that you would hypothetically attain with it. Things often start out promising and hopeful for Don Draper and friends, only to spiral to dark, unsatisfying conclusions. When you think about it, that's pretty much how things usually go for you when you fill out a bracket.

You always get so excited, gathering up all your friends to take part. "Are you in?" you'll ask. "Of course!" every friend will reply, certain about their Final Four favorites and settled on the perfect Cinderella. Everyone's bracket is neatly filed away, looking so pristine to start, but then reality hits via a heartless red pen slashing through your Elite Eight sleeper you just lost in the first round.

In this great supercut via Mashable, you can watch the staff of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce take the emotional journey we're all about to embark on as soon as the brackets are announced Sunday.

(Warning: There is some salty language at the end.)