
Young competitors prepare for cardboard sled races at SUNY Canton Saturday

Feb. 4—CANTON — Weather permitting, Leo Brecht and his buddy Cullen Alkier will guide a cardboard sled designed to look like a beagle down a hill on the SUNY Canton campus as part of the 6th annual Nature Up North Cardboard Sled races.

A week out from the event at a sled building workshop at the Wachtmeister Field Station, Dan French, Nature Up North's project director, wasn't too optimistic about the weather.

French said temperatures are predicted to be in the 40s on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

"Our fingers are crossed," French said. "We do have rain dates."

French said a decision to change to a rain date would be made by Friday.

The first rain date would be Sunday. If that's not good, the event will be moved to Feb. 24.

No matter the date, the sled races will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the hill just north of Kennedy Hall.

Leo Brecht came to the workshop with his grandfather, Frank Brecht, and an idea.

At his grandmother's suggestion, he wanted to make a sled fashioned after Max, his grandparent's beagle.

He brought a reference picture, French supplied duct tape, and a large pile of cardboard and paints.

This is Leo's third entry in the annual race. He has had a Star Wars-themed sled and one designed like a race car.

While the kids painted big, floppy, black ears, French and the elder Brecht concentrated on securing the sturdy cardboard supplied by Lowe's in Potsdam and Gamer Craze in Canton, with box cutters and thick twist ties.

This is the first cardboard sled race French has organized. He said Canton Dining Services will have hot chocolate available on the hill and is encouraging students from the four colleges to create sleds for the event.

Approved materials for the races are cardboard, duct tape, recycled plastic bags, paint and glue.

Divisions are Youth (12 and under), Open (13 and up), Family (multi-ages) and College.

To register, follow this link to a web form: Or email with your team name, participant names and grades, and division. Teams and individuals can register on race day as well.

Max, the sled dog, is designed to hold two boys and a round black nose that flips up to allow them to see where they are going.

"It will be nice if we get more snow," French said.