
WATCH: What Ohio State players and coaches love about Columbus

In case it flew by you because of all the bad storms and electrical outages in central Ohio this week, it was 614 day on Tuesday, June 14 (makes sense, right?)

In honor of the day, the Ohio State football program went around what looks like the Woody Hayes Athletic Center and other spots on the OSU campus to ask some of the Buckeye players, coaches, and support personnel what makes living in the area code 614 so great.

As you can imagine, a lot of it had to do with food, places, to visit, the scenery, and of course, the people that live in the Columbus area. And in the event that you missed the short video and comments made, shared by the OSU creative team, you can spend a couple of minutes and get caught up.

I guess somewhat unsurprisingly, the weather was not mentioned. Oh well, you can’t have it all, right?


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