
A warning for spring turkey hunters: Trying to call in a tom can be frustrating

Every once in a while, I'd run into an avid outdoorsman who has never tried his hand at calling in a spring tom.

The conversation would start like this: "Hey man, I'd like to try my hand at calling in a spring gobbler. Sounds like fun. Maybe we can go out some time, and you can show me?"

“Sure,” I reply.

But I think to myself, “Should I warn him?”

There are sportspersons out there who love the outdoor sports –– enjoying hunting, shooting, and experiencing wildlife behavior close-up –– that have resisted the urge to call in a gobbling tom.

Can't do everything, right?

Used to think … flat out … that those hunters who don’t hunt spring toms were simply missing out on the best time of year.

Far be it for me to sell the reader on the virtues and glorious, everlasting rewards of being a successful turkey hunter.

Besides, there're enough turkey hunters out there as it is. And we really don't need any more competition.

But here, in this space, I have to say to anyone contemplating spring gobbler hunting:


And I am serious.

A tom turkey in full display on a field edge is tough to call.
A tom turkey in full display on a field edge is tough to call.

I’ve heard the old pitch for half a century, “Experience the fun, the sublime challenge of trying to call in a spring tom.”

You know the lines by heart: "If you'll only use this here, trusty piece of gear, like professional hunter so-and-so did, your success and renown will be positively, assured." And, "All you have to do is take it out in the woods …this gar-un-teed call."

Truth be told, in some ways I actually envy that rare individual who has never heard an old tom sound off across a hollow or down from a mountaintop when it's just getting light.

You see, as much as that resounding call beckons as it booms through the springtime tree tops and holds the promise of a filled tag, it also contains the ripe seeds for frustration like you’ve never known. And that's no lie.

All sports test us, task us … but there is nothing quite like trying to call in a spring tom.

And besides, those hunters who don't turkey hunt in the spring of the year enjoy one of the most sublime pleasures in life. We call it, "sleeping in."

Turkey hunters of the old school rarely get to “sleep in.”

And if we do … guilt.

We know we should of been out there.

Sleeping in during the spring of the year is a pleasure reserved for after the season, during the summer (well, before bass season starts up.)

I don't want to scare anyone off, but here is an example:

Of the many types of gobblers we run into, one is termed “a runner" –– one of the most difficult of all birds to call in and of course, most problematical to kill.

We always hope that a tom will decide to come in properly, like they should, and as we remember, like they did in the good old days.

A particular tom a few springs ago was such a bird, a New Age tom.

He gobbled from the roost, flew down and laced up his running shoes.

Up the ridge he went, gobbling every time we called and taking us up to the top of a steep ridge, across the oak flat on top and down into the steep wooded hollow on the other side from the roost.

This was not a made-for-TV turkey hunt … you know, set up in a field edge or a food plot. Easy-peasy.

Nope. This hunt was not for dilettantes. It was sweaty, scrambling, lots of climbing, and even had some bad words sprinkled in.

There is a field at the end of the hollow and, sure enough, that is where this old tom was headed. And all the way, every time the box call squawked, he'd kick back a gobble.

A gobbler in full display struts for his harem of hen turkey.
A gobbler in full display struts for his harem of hen turkey.

Reminded me of playing a trout that runs out of a pool and heads downstream. Slipping and sliding on rocks in the current with rod tip high. You've got them on, but just barely.

We had covered nearly a mile when the tom came to his field edge and sure enough set up his strut path there. He'd work back and forth in about 50 yards or so, gobbling back and forth, trying to call what he thought was a trailing hen to on come down … to him.

But On His Terms.

And there he double- and triple-gobbled. That's the way gobblers demand that "she" come to his preferred spot. And of course, that was not going to happen.

We’d spook him.

We set up.

He wouldn't budge.



And time was running out.

So the game went on for over two hours, since just after first light.

And as the sun came up, the temperature increased and the black flies figured breakfast had arrived.

No time left to play the waiting game. (Sometimes, if a turkey hunter has the time, he can quit calling and the tom will eventually come in to see the hen that has become so mysteriously quiet. It's an ego thing of theirs.)

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Maybe we should have just given up and come back on another day. But he was still gobbling.

But what about trying that old flanking move? Move down the ridge to the side and call down to him?

Got just enough time.

And sure enough, that tactic worked perfectly.

All except for one critical thing.

The tom came in silently, from the side.

"Putt, putt …" The warning alarm of a spooked turkey, the sound we hate to hear, most.


Game over.

Out-flanked on a flanking move.

Over and over again, turkeys find ways, different ways, to beat us.

So if you still want to be a turkey hunter … and when you get beat, and you sit down in a pile of frustration, and you surely will, don't ever say you weren't warned.

— Oak Duke writes a weekly column.

This article originally appeared on The Evening Tribune: Warning to spring turkey hunters: Calling in a tom can be frustrating